W5 - Olympus Polychrome

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Suitable for single point long term observation of living samples.


Logo MPI-CBG.jpg
[[image:|100px]] none"None" is not in the list of possible values (DZNE - Imaging Platform, EM- and Histo-Facility CRTD / BIOTEC, Image Processing@BIOTEC, Imaging@BIOTEC/CRTD, MPI-CBG LMF, MPI-CBG LMF - Quantitative Image Analysis Unit, MPI-CBG TDS, MTZ Imaging, MPI-CBG EM, BioDIP) for this property. (MPI-CBG, 000)



microscope Olympus - IX70, Inverted stand, manual XY-stage, manual Z-drive
Olympus UPlanSApo 10x 0.4
Olympus LCPlanFl 20x 0.4 Ph1
Olympus PlanApo 100x 1.4 Oil
Olympus UPlanSApo 100x 1.4 Oil
Olympus UPlanFl 60x 1.25 Oil
Transmitted Light (Halogen)
Fluorescence (Polychromator 300-650 nm)
detection Roper Scientific Cascade 512B, back-illuminated CCD, frame transfer
reflectors eGFP/mCherry (EX1 470/40 EX2 570/30, DC1 495 DC2 585, EM1 520/40 EM2 635/70)
eYFP (EX 500/10, DC 515, EM 535/30)
features -
software -
incubation Cage incubator (T)
  • [ manual]
  • [- laser power values]
  • [- beam path]
  • [ advanced system check]
inv.nr. 400316