Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform

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An E9.5 mouse embryo stained for its blood vessels as illustrated by single plane illumination light microscopy (B. Strilic and E. Lammert, MPI-CBG). link

Welcome! ... to the Imaging Facility Network (IFN) in Biopolis Dresden. We are a group of facilities providing access to Advanced Microscopy Systems and Image Processing. The goal of this network is to join our forces and bring our knowledge and equipment closer together. This Wiki serves as the central ressource for all necessary informations regarding our network. Here you can find the appropiate teaching material for our courses, run a query for a microscope of interest and follow links to useful external ressources.


  • Sep 29: BioDIP Seminar "CLEM" (25 September 2015, Imaging@BIOTEC/CRTD/Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy)
    Place: MTZ, HS 2 Date: Tuesday, 29.09.2015 Time: 2-4 pm Speakers: Thomas Müller-Reichert (MTZ): Intro Thomas Kurth (CRTD): CLEM of immunolabelled ultrathin sections Jean-Marc Verbatz (MPI-CBG): Using CLEM to characterize unknown intracellular compartments Andreas Müller (PLID): Ultrastructural analysis of insulin secretory granule ageing by super resolution and transmission electron microscopy Michaela Wilsch-Bräuninger (MPI-CBG): Identification of rare structures by CLEM Nicolas Brouilly (MPI-CBG): Correlative PALM/STORM and electron tomography
  • June 30: BioDIP Seminar "Clearing Techniques" (19 June 2015, Imaging@BIOTEC/CRTD/Clearing Techniques)
    BioDIP Summer Seminar "Less scatter more image: tissue clearing techniques" Speakers: Uwe Schröer (LaVision BioTec): "Sample Preparation of Thick Tissues for Light Sheet Microscopy" Olaf Selchow (Carl Zeiss Microscopy): "Imaging Optically Cleared Specimen with Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy" Date: June 30, 2015 Time: 2-4pm Location: CRTD, Seminar room 2 Tissue clearing allows imaging deep into large biological samples such as tissue sections, brains, embryos, organs or spheroids. The enhanced optical penetration depth can be used to image fluorescently labeled structures within large tissue samples such as whole mouse brains with high resolution. The focus of this seminar will be to show different methods of tissue clearing and how cleared samples are imaged best.
  • May 11, 2015: "microDimensions seminar" (5 May 2015, Imaging@BIOTEC/CRTD/3D histology reconstruction)
    microDimensions - beyond the visual limits Speaker: Dr. Martin Groher, CEO microDimensions Date: May 11, 2015 Time: 2pm Place: CRTD, seminar room 1 Host: Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform (BioDIP) The LMF BIOTEC / CRTD host a Zeiss slide scanner (Axio Scan.Z1) optimally suited to create virtual slides e.g. as basis for 3d reconstructions. A concise system overview will be given by Hella Hartmann.
  • April 28-29: Andor Academy (23 April 2015, MPI-CBG LMF/Imaging hardware)
    Andor Academy This free to attend scientific event is filled with cutting-edge scientific talks, interesting technical presentations and practical demo sessions. The academy will feature keynote speakers including Dr Jan Huisken (MPI-CBG) and Dr Jan Schmoranzer (Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie). Please see the program here :
  • April 21-22: Arivis Workshop (20 April 2015, Imaging@BIOTEC/CRTD/Workshop)
    2-day workshop on the visualization and analysis of multi-dimensional biological image data with arivis Vision4D. place: CRTD arivis: Christian Götze, Falko Löffler, Carola Bender & Tamara Manuelian Day 1 - 11 am: presentation of the new release arivis Vision4D 2.11 & basic operations Day 2 - 9 am: Hands-on sessions in groups

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DZNE - Imaging Platform
EM facility logo-1.jpg
EM- and Histo-Facility CRTD / BIOTEC
Image Processing@BIOTEC
[[image:|100px|right]] Intravital Multiphoton Laser-Scanning Microscopy
EM Facility Logo 200.jpg
Logo mtz 3.png
MTZ Imaging

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