Publications Biophysics

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Publications in 2013

Czogalla-2013 Switchable domain partitioning and diffusion of DNA origami rods on membranes
Clark-2013 Monitoring actin cortex thickness in live cells
Martos-2013 Propagation of MinCDE waves on free-standing membranes

Publications in 2012

Sezgin-2012b Partitioning, diffusion, and ligand binding of raft lipid analogs in model and cellular plasma membranes
Stewart-2012 Tracking mechanics and volume of globular cells with atomic force microscopy using a constant-height clamp
Gerisch-2012 PIP3 waves and PTEN dynamics in the emergence of cell polarity
Sezgin-2012 Elucidating membrane structure and protein behavior using giant plasma membrane vesicles
Behrndt-2012 Forces driving epithelial spreading in zebrafish gastrulation

Publications in 2011

Stewart-2011 Hydrostatic pressure and the actomyosin cortex drive mitotic cell rounding
Kauert-2011 Direct mechanical measurements reveal the material properties of three-dimensional DNA origami

Publications in 2010

Klopper-2010 Finite-size corrections to scaling behavior in sorted cell aggregates
Vogel-2010 Microtubules and motor proteins: Mechanically regulated self-organization in vivo
Khairy-2010 Shapes of Red Blood Cells: Comparison of 3D Confocal Images with the Bilayer-Couple Model
Mayer-2010 Anisotropies in cortical tension reveal the physical basis of polarizing cortical flows
Goehring-2010 FRAP analysis of membrane-associated proteins: lateral diffusion and membrane-cytoplasmic exchange

Publications in 2009

Baumgärtner-2009 Growth pattern of single fission yeast cells is bilinear and depends on temperature and DNA synthesis
Tinevez-2009 Role of cortical tension in bleb growth
Bretschneider-2009 The three-dimensional dynamics of actin waves, a model of cytoskeletal self-organization
Brangwynne-2009 Germline P granules are liquid droplets that localize by controlled dissolution/ condensation
Schroth-Diez-2009 Propagating waves separate two states of actin organization in living cells

Publications in 2008

Lingwood-2008 Plasma membranes are poised for activation of raft phase coalescence at physiological temperature