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backup strategy how-to

using "Acronis True Image Home 2009" (german)

  • boot the computer from the Acronis CD, or run the acronis installer from teh lmf fileserver. (or i guess you can also just install the software on the C drive: Serial number (copy and pate it!) BD8CTN3F-72BFZ6EL-87WP57F9-9GSSHVDT-2LWW7J73-HQ45V8EV-TK4C27DE-KX3LMPNS )
  • choose "Acronis True Image Home" in the menu that appears, wait for the main page to load
  • on the main page ("Startseite"), choose "Backup - Sicherung Ihrer Daten"
  • go to "Mein Computer - Images der Festplatte(n) oder von Partitionen", new window opens ("Assistent zur Datensicherung")
    • choose "Auswahl der Daten" and select the discs you want to include in the backup (usually partition C:, on some systems D-drive is required as well)
    • choose "Ziel des Backup-Archivs", then "Backup-Speicherort" and select the target drive (physically separate drive prefered here: faster and more save; make sure the drive has enough free space. You can save the backup directly to the fileserver, if you feel lucky....usually works).
    • choose "Backup-Methode"
      • select "Vollstandig" (not the default "Inkrementell")
    • choose "Backup-Optionen"
      • select "Komprimierungsrate" and set it to "Maximum"
      • select "Fehlerbehandlung" and click "Meldungen und Dialogboxen während der Operation nicht zeigen (stiller Modus)" (suppresses error messages)
    • keep the rest as it is
  • go to "Zusammenfassung" and click "Fertig stellen" to start the backup procedure
  • while the backup is running, you will see the window "Fortschritt der Operation" which tells you a rough estimation of the expected time (usually far too much in the beginning)
  • if everything worked out fine, you will get the message "Backup erfolgreich abgeschlossen"
  • data sizes & necessary time one should expect:
    • compression rate set to maximum: ~ 1:2 (depends on data types on the actual disc)
    • time required if two internal discs are used: ~ 2x data size in GB (i.e. 40 minutes for 20 GB)
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