Publications MPI-CBG LMF

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Latest revision as of 10:51, 16 December 2013

Publications in 2014

Weber-2014 Mitotic position and morphology of committed precursor cells in the zebrafish retina adapt to architectural changes upon tissue maturation.
Stenzel-2014 Integrin αvβ3 and thyroid hormones promote expansion of progenitors in embryonic neocortex.
Kizil-2014 Simplet/Fam53b is required for Wnt signal transduction by regulating β-catenin nuclear localization.
Millonigg-2014 GLD-4-mediated translational activation regulates the size of the proliferative germ cell pool in the adult C. elegans germ line.
Perini-2014 Mammalian CORVET is required for fusion and conversion of distinct early endosome subpopulations.
Umetsu-2014 Local increases in mechanical tension shape compartment boundaries by biasing cell intercalations.
Steenblock-2014 The Cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factor FGD6 coordinates cell polarity and endosomal membrane recycling in osteoclasts.
Naganathan-2014 Active torque generation by the actomyosin cell cortex drives left-right symmetry breaking.
Mora-Bermúdez F-2014 Specific polar subpopulations of astral microtubules control spindle orientation and symmetric neural stem cell division.
Coelho-2014 Fusion of protein aggregates facilitates asymmetric damage segregation.
Merkel-2014 The balance of prickle/spiny-legs isoforms controls the amount of coupling between core and fat PCP systems.
Meinhardt-2014 3D Reconstitution of the Patterned Neural Tube from Embryonic Stem Cells.
Kumichel-2014 Apical localisation of crumbs in the boundary cells of the Drosophila hindgut is independent of its canonical interaction partner stardust.
Wong-2014 Microinjection of membrane-impermeable molecules into single neural stem cells in brain tissue.
Baumgärtner -2014 Astral microtubule pivoting promotes their search for cortical anchor sites during mitosis in budding yeast.
Rodenfels-2014 Production of systemically circulating Hedgehog by the intestine couples nutrition to growth and development.
Toyoda-2014 Products of the Parkinson's disease-related glyoxalase DJ-1, D-lactate and glycolate, support mitochondrial membrane potential and neuronal survival.
Gurudev-2014 chaoptin, prominin, eyes shut and crumbs form a genetic network controlling the apical compartment of Drosophila photoreceptor cells.
Fei-2014 3' UTR-dependent, miR-92-mediated restriction of Tis21 expression maintains asymmetric neural stem cell division to ensure proper neocortex size.
Umetsu-2014b An RNA interference screen for genes required to shape the anteroposterior compartment boundary in Drosophila identifies the eph receptor.
… further results

[edit] Publications in 2013

Malinovska-2013 Molecular chaperones and stress-inducible protein-sorting factors coordinate the spatiotemporal distribution of protein aggregates
Maliga-2013 A genomic toolkit to investigate kinesin and myosin motor function in cells
Soukup-2013 DLin-7 is required in postsynaptic lamina neurons to prevent light-induced photoreceptor degeneration in Drosophila
Liu-2013 Reactivating head regrowth in a regeneration-deficient planarian species
Viktorinova-2013 Microtubule polarity predicts direction of egg chamber rotation in Drosophila
Coelho-2013 Fission Yeast Does Not Age under Favorable Conditions, but Does So after Stress
Ivanova-2013 Age-dependent labeling and imaging of insulin secretory granules
Ananthanarayanan-2013 Dynein motion switches from diffusive to directed upon cortical anchoring
Biro-2013 Cell cortex composition and homeostasis resolved by integrating proteomics and quantitative imaging
Klose-2013 Fosmid-based structure-function analysis reveals functionality distinct domains in the cytoplasmic domain of Drosophila Crumbs
Kappei-2013 HOT1 is a mammalian direct telomere repeat-binding protein contributing to telomerase recruitment
Paridaen-2013 Asymmetric inheritance of centrosome-associated primary cilium membrane directs ciliogenesis after cell division
Liang-2013 A NOMPC-dependent membrane-microtubule connector is a candidate for the gating spring in fly mechanoreceptors
Kalinina-2013 Pivoting of microtubules around the spindle pole accelerates kinetochore capture
Clark-2013 Monitoring actin cortex thickness in live cells
Nacu-2013 Connective tissue cells, but not muscle cells, are involved in establishing the proximo-distal outcome of limb regeneration in the axolotl
Luz-2013 Fluorescently tagged Lin7c is a dynamic marker for polarity maturation in the zebrafish retinal epithelium
Gilleron-2013 Image-based analysis of lipid nanoparticle-mediated siRNA delivery, intracellular trafficking and endosomal escape
Reber-2013 XMAP215 activity sets spindle length by controlling the total mass of spindle microtubules
Pabis-2013 The nuclear cap-binding complex interacts with the U4/U6·U5 tri-snRNP and promotes spliceosome assembly in mammalian cells
… further results

[edit] Publications in 2012

Scolz-2012 GTSE1 is a microtubule plus-end tracking protein that regulates EB1-dependent cell migration
Malinovska-2012 Molecular chaperones and stress-inducible protein-sorting factors coordinate the spatiotemporal distribution of protein aggregates
Kaufmann-2012 Multilayer mounting enables long-term imaging of zebrafish development in a light sheet microscope
Olson-2012 Hierarchical assembly of the eggshell and permeability barrier in C. elegans
Aliee-2012 Physical mechanisms shaping the Drosophila dorsoventral compartment boundary
Schröter-2012 Topology and dynamics of the zebrafish segmentation clock core circuit
Chakraborty-2012 Combined RNAi and localization for functionally dissecting long non-coding RNAs
Sarov-2012 A Genome-Scale Resource for In Vivo Tag-Based Protein Function Exploration in C. elegans
O'Toole-2012 The role of γ-tubulin in centrosomal microtubule organization
Maitre-2012 Adhesion functions in cell sorting by mechanically coupling the cortices of adhering cells
Gerisch-2012 PIP3 waves and PTEN dynamics in the emergence of cell polarity
Sagner-2012 Establishment of Global Patterns of Planar Polarity during Growth of the Drosophila Wing Epithelium
Sáenz-2012 Functional convergence of hopanoids and sterols in membrane ordering
Schindelin-2012 Fiji: an open-source platform for biological-image analysis
Kelava-2012 Abundant occurrence of basal radial glia in the subventricular zone of embryonic neocortex of a lissencephalic primate, the common marmoset Callithrix jacchus
Okaz-2012 Meiotic Prophase Requires Proteolysis of M Phase Regulators Mediated by the Meiosis-Specific APC/C(Ama1)
Sezgin-2012 Elucidating membrane structure and protein behavior using giant plasma membrane vesicles
Mishra-2012 Crumbs regulates polarity and prevents light-induced degeneration of the simple eyes of Drosophila, the ocelli
Kankaanpää-2012 BioImageXD: an open, general-purpose and high-throughput image-processing platform
Bergert-2012 Cell mechanics control rapid transitions between blebs and lamellipodia during migration
… further results

[edit] Publications in 2011

Pocha-2011b Retromer controls epithelial cell polarity by trafficking the apical determinant Crumbs
Sampaio-2011 Membrane lipidome of an epithelial cell line
Erkut-2011 Trehalose renders the dauer larva of Caenorhabditis elegans resistant to extreme desiccation
Jászai-2011 Distinct and conserved prominin-1/CD133-positive retinal cell populations identified across species
Spandl-2011 Ancient ubiquitous protein 1 (AUP1) localizes to lipid droplets and binds the E2 ubiquitin conjugase G2 (Ube2g2) via its G2 binding region
Arai-2011 Neural stem and progenitor cells shorten S-phase on commitment to neuron production
Kaiser-2011b Lateral sorting in model membranes by cholesterol-mediated hydrophobic matching
Taverna-2011 A new approach to manipulate the fate of single neural stem cells in tissue
Riedel-2011 Megalin-dependent yellow endocytosis restricts melanization in the Drosophila cuticle
Goehring-2011b PAR proteins diffuse freely across the anterior-posterior boundary in polarized C. elegans embryos
Lange-2011 The H(+) vacuolar ATPase maintains neural stem cells in the developing mouse cortex
Ettinger-2011 Proliferating versus differentiating stem and cancer cells exhibit distinct midbody-release behaviour
Levental-2011 Raft domains of variable properties and compositions in plasma membrane vesicles
Stockinger-2011 Defective neuroepithelial cell cohesion affects tangential branchiomotor neuron migration in the zebrafish neural tube
Leung-2011 Apical migration of nuclei during G2 is a prerequisite for all nuclear motion in zebrafish neuroepithelia
Liang-2011 NOMPC, a member of the TRP channel family, localizes to the tubular body and distal cilium of Drosophila campaniform and chordotonal receptor cells.
Gerisch-2011 Different modes of state transitions determine pattern in the Phosphatidylinositide-Actin system
Suckale-2011 PTBP1 Is Required for Embryonic Development before Gastrulation
Decker-2011 Limiting amounts of centrosome material set centrosome size in C. elegans embryos
Goehring-2011 Polarization of PAR Proteins by Advective Triggering of a Pattern-Forming System
… further results

[edit] Publications in 2010

Hoege-2010 LGL can partition the cortex of one-cell Caenorhabditis elegans embryos into two domains
Hutchins-2010 Systematic analysis of human protein complexes identifies chromosome segregation proteins
Pabis-2010 Binding properties and dynamic localization of an alternative isoform of the cap-binding complex subunit CBP20
Fietz-2010 OSVZ progenitors of human and ferret neocortex are epithelial-like and expand by integrin signaling
Quesada - Hernández-2010 Stereotypical cell division orientation controls neural rod midline formation in zebrafish
Khairy-2010 Shapes of Red Blood Cells: Comparison of 3D Confocal Images with the Bilayer-Couple Model
Kilic-2010 The Drosophila Crumbs signal peptide is unusually long and is a substrate for signal peptide peptidase
Preibisch-2010 Software for bead-based registration of selective plane illumination microscopy data
Strzelecka-2010b Dynamic control of Cajal body number during zebrafish embryogenesis
Brankatschk-2010 Lipoprotein particles cross the blood-brain barrier in Drosophila
Gloor-2010 Interaction between Sec7p and Pik1p: the first clue for the regulation of a coincidence detection signal
Kalinka-2010 Gene expression divergence recapitulates the developmental hourglass model
Attardo-2010 Tis21 expression marks not only populations of neurogenic precursor cells but also new postmitotic neurons in adult hippocampal neurogenesis
Pulvers-2010 Mutations in mouse Aspm (abnormal spindle-like microcephaly associated) cause not only microcephaly but also major defects in the germline
Mishra-2010 Galectin-9 trafficking regulates apical-basal polarity in Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells
Arboleda - Estudillo-2010 Movement directionality in collective migration of germ layer progenitors
Jaensch-2010 Automated tracking and analysis of centrosomes in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos
Schenk-2010 Cortical domain correction repositions the polarity boundary to match the cytokinesis furrow in C. elegans embryos
Aigouy-2010 Cell flow reorients the axis of planar polarity in the wing epithelium of Drosophila
Redemann-2010 Membrane invaginations reveal cortical sites that pull on mitotic spindles in one-cell C. elegans embryos
… further results

[edit] Publications in 2009

Saito-2009 Ablation of cholesterol biosynthesis in neural stem cells increases their VEGF expression and angiogenesis but causes neuron apoptosis
Schenk-2009 Myosin II is required for interkinetic nuclear migration of neural progenitors
Rybarska-2009 GLS-1, a novel P granule component, modulates a network of conserved RNA regulators to influence germ cell fate decisions
Raabe-2009 Intracellular nanosurgery and cell enucleation using a picosecond laser
Kowalczyk-2009 Intermediate neuronal progenitors (basal progenitors) produce pyramidal-projection neurons for all layers of cerebral cortex
Spandl-2009 Live cell multicolor imaging of lipid droplets with a new dye, LD540
Tinevez-2009 Role of cortical tension in bleb growth
Brangwynne-2009 Germline P granules are liquid droplets that localize by controlled dissolution/ condensation
Klemm-2009 Segregation of sphingolipids and sterols during formation of secretory vesicles at the trans-Golgi network
Viktorinova-2009 The cadherin Fat2 is required for planar cell polarity in the Drosophila ovary
Preibisch-2009 Globally Optimal Stitching of Tiled 3D Microscopic Image Acquisitions
Lange-2009 Cdk4/cyclinD1 overexpression in neural stem cells shortens G1, delays neurogenesis, and promotes the generation and expansion of basal progenitors
Theis-2009 Comparative profiling identifies C13orf3 as a component of the Ska complex required for mammalian cell division
Carvalho-2009 Control of convergent yolk syncytial layer nuclear movement in zebrafish
Sapra-2009 SR protein family members display diverse activities in the formation of nascent and mature mRNPs in vivo
Schroth-Diez-2009 Propagating waves separate two states of actin organization in living cells
Lawo-2009 HAUS, the 8-subunit human Augmin complex, regulates centrosome and spindle integrity
Widmann-2009 Wingless signaling and the control of cell shape in Drosophila wing imaginal discs
Strilic-2009 The Molecular Basis of Vascular Lumen Formation in the Developing Mouse Aorta
Fei-2009 Nonselective sister chromatid segregation in mouse embryonic neocortical precursor cells
… further results

[edit] Publications in 2008

Attardo-2008 Live imaging at the onset of cortical neurogenesis reveals differential appearance of the neuronal phenotype in apical versus basal progenitor progeny
Zhu-2008 The mammalian SPD-2 ortholog Cep192 regulates centrosome biogenesis
Bollenbach-2008 Precision of the Dpp gradient
Schröter-2008 Dynamics of zebrafish somitogenesis
Matos-2008 Dbf4-dependent CDC7 kinase links DNA replication to the segregation of homologous chromosomes in meiosis I
Lingwood-2008 Plasma membranes are poised for activation of raft phase coalescence at physiological temperature
Kosodo-2008 Cytokinesis of neuroepithelial cells can divide their basal process before anaphase
Maghelli-2008 Versatile laser-based cell manipulator
De Pietri Tonelli-2008 miRNAs are essential for survival and differentiation of newborn neurons but not for expansion of neural progenitors during early neurogenesis in the mouse embryonic neocortex
Torkko-2008 Depletion of apical transport proteins perturbs epithelial cyst formation and ciliogenesis
Oteiza-2008 Origin and shaping of the laterality organ in zebrafish
Poser-2008 BAC TransgeneOmics: a high-throughput method for exploration of protein function in mammals
Bird-2008 Building a spindle of the correct length in human cells requires the interaction between TPX2 and Aurora A
Schlichting-2008 Hedgehog and Dpp signaling induce cadherin Cad86C expression in the morphogenetic furrow during Drosophila eye development
Farkas-2008 Insulinoma-associated 1 has a panneurogenic role and promotes the generation and expansion of basal progenitors in the developing mouse neocortex
Krüger-2008 Association of mitochondria with spindle poles facilitates spindle alignment
Trajkovski-2008 Regulation of insulin granule turnover in pancreatic beta-cells by cleaved ICA512
Brouhard-2008 XMAP215 is a processive microtubule polymerase
Grimard-2008 siRNA screening reveals JNK2 as an evolutionary conserved regulator of triglyceride homeostasis
Fish-2008 Making bigger brains-the evolution of neural-progenitor-cell division
… further results
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