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Pages using the property "Title"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Bergert-2012 +Cell mechanics control rapid transitions between blebs and lamellipodia during migration
Bickle-2008 +High-content screening: a new primary screening tool?
Bickle-2010 +The beautiful cell: high-content screening in drug discovery
Bickle-2012 +Systems drug discovery: a quantitative, objective approach for safer drug development
Bird-2008 +Building a spindle of the correct length in human cells requires the interaction between TPX2 and Aurora A
Bird-2011 +High-efficiency counterselection recombineering for site-directed mutagenesis in bacterial artificial chromosomes
Biro-2013 +Cell cortex composition and homeostasis resolved by integrating proteomics and quantitative imaging
Bledau-2014 +The H3K4 methyltransferase Setd1a is first required at the epiblast stage, whereas Setd1b becomes essential after gastrulation.
Bollenbach-2008 +Precision of the Dpp gradient
Borg-2014 +Mesenchymal stromal cells improve transplanted islet survival and islet function in a syngeneic mouse model.
Boucherie-2013 +Cadmium disorganises the scaffolding of gap and tight junction proteins in the hepatic cell line WIF B9
Brambillasca-2012 +CDK5 regulatory subunit-associated protein 1-like 1 (CDKAL1) is a tail-anchored protein in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of insulinoma cells
Bramsen-2009 +A large-scale chemical modification screen identifies design rules to generate siRNAs with high activity, high stability and low toxicity
Brandt-2010 +Physical exercise increases Notch activity, proliferation and cell cycle exit of type-3 progenitor cells in adult hippocampal neurogenesis
Brandt-2012 +Brief report: Adult hippocampal precursor cells shorten S-phase and total cell cycle length during neuronal differentiation
Brangwynne-2009 +Germline P granules are liquid droplets that localize by controlled dissolution/ condensation
Brangwynne-2011 +Active liquid-like behavior of nucleoli determines their size and shape in Xenopus laevis oocytes
Brankatschk-2010 +Lipoprotein particles cross the blood-brain barrier in Drosophila
Brankatschk-2014 +Delivery of circulating lipoproteins to specific neurons in the Drosophila brain regulates systemic insulin signaling.
Bretschneider-2009 +The three-dimensional dynamics of actin waves, a model of cytoskeletal self-organization
Brouhard-2008 +XMAP215 is a processive microtubule polymerase
Bulgakova-2008 +Multiple domains of Stardust differentially mediate localisation of the Crumbs-Stardust complex during photoreceptor development in Drosophila
Bulgakova-2010 +Antagonistic functions of two stardust isoforms in Drosophila photoreceptor cells


Cambridge-2009 +Doxycycline-dependent photoactivated gene expression in eukaryotic systems
Cao-2009 +Golgi protein FAPP2 tubulates membranes
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