Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform

Different modes of state transitions determine pattern in the Phosphatidylinositide-Actin system.

Gerisch G, Ecke M, Wischnewski D, Schroth-Diez B

In a motile polarized cell the actin system is differentiated to allow protrusion at the front and retraction at the tail. This differentiation is linked to the phosphoinositide pattern in the plasma membrane. In the highly motile Dictyostelium cells studied here, the front is dominated by PI3-kinases producing PI(3,4,5)tris-phosphate (PIP3), the tail by the PI3-phosphatase PTEN that hydrolyses PIP3 to PI(4,5)bis-phosphate. To study de-novo cell polarization, we first depolymerized actin and subsequently recorded the spontaneous reorganization of actin patterns in relation to PTEN.

Fig.3 taken from Gerisch et al, 2011.
  • BMC Cell Biol. 2011 Oct 07;12:42
  • 2011
  • Cell Biology
  • 21982379
  • PubMed

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